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Trauma can include any experiences that leave us feeling stuck, trapped, or as though we are in a state of constant helplessness.  It could be a car accident, having been bullied, experiencing a natural disaster, losing a loved one, or being in a toxic relationship, for example.  Typically, when we have an adverse experience, our brains are able to store this experience and recognize that it is in the past.  However, when we experience traumatic events, or complex trauma, our brains may have a harder time moving past these events and recognizing that we are safe.  Some symptoms of trauma may include:

  • Disrupted sleep or lack of sleep, nightmares

  • Feeling jumpy or easily startled

  • Intrusive memories of the trauma, or difficulty remembering certain parts of the trauma

  • Constantly feeling like you're in fight/flight/freeze mode

  • Irritable: anger outbursts or urges to isolate

  • Overwhelming feelings of guilt, shame, or fear

  • Trouble concentrating and memory difficulties

Find relief with EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing).  EMDR will help you with developing calming/relaxation skills to allow you to safely reprocess past traumas or upsetting/confusing events in order to develop more positive, helpful, and empowering beliefs about yourself.  Many clients who may not initially identify as having a "trauma" benefit from EMDR as well: it can be used for anxieties and general feelings of discomfort when we don't know necessarily know the root cause.
For additional information on EMDR, click here

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is an evidence-based trauma treatment for teens (17 and younger) who have experienced a traumatic, sad, or confusing event(s).

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